Book Reviews

So, I did a horrible job keeping this page updated last year.  Let's see if I can do a better job in 2013!

Escaping North Korea, Mike Kim 

I have to be honest, Dear Husband and I heard Mike Kim on Fox News one night, and we bought this book because we were interested in North Korea.  Prior to reading this, like most people, I had very little knowledge of North Korea.  This book didn't just give me knowledge about a cruel regime.  Instead, it opened my eyes to suffering and persecution that is actively happening around the world.  Mike's story is also an inspirational reminder that God can use one person to accomplish a great mission.  The testimonies that Mike shares about himself and the other Korean and Chinese Christians makes this book a must read.  But be forewarned: this book is graphic and not for the faint of heart.  

To learn more about Mike Kim and Crossing Borders Ministry, you can link to his blog here: