Thursday, February 27, 2014

I Wanted to Bathe in Purell

I can't believe that I haven't written a blog post since Valentine's Day!  My intentions were good in this regard, but somehow, I didn't think you'd want to hear what was on my mind last week.  Let me sum it up in a few words.  All I could think about last week was this:  "I want to bathe in Purell."

If you haven't already noticed, people tend to blog about what consumes their lives--unless they're totally fakey bloggers who want you to think they live gorgeous lives in their perfectly labeled and colorful DIY houses.  Anyway, if I had blogged last week you would have rolled your eyes.  It would have been like reading a blog post from a new mommy who just can't help blogging about her child's diapering and nursing habits.  It would have been one of those posts that would have left you going TMI (too much information!).

So to put it really simply, last week I was playing nurse in my own house.  A child started losing control of disgusting body functions on Monday evening, and on Friday night, said child and both siblings were still sick.  It was pure grossness.  I have no idea how many loads of laundry I washed or how many paper towels I used up last week, but I do know that I've had to buy new hand soap dispensers for my entire house because we used up so much soap.  Like I said, so gross.  And I'm serious that you should be glad that I didn't blog about it.

For all intents and purposes, last week was like our "lost week" for the year, because I don't remember much about it and I pretty much stayed within our 4 walls for the better part of the week. Thankfully the weather was awesome and we were able to air out the house all weekend with a pleasant indoor/outdoor living experience.  And, in spite of the aggressive virus raging in the house,  somehow Mr. Wonderful and I survived unscathed. The Lord did have mercy!

Poor Boy Wonder missed out on museum school and tennis last week, but amazingly, we didn't get behind in kindergarten!  Of course, I was able to adjust our lessons this week to make-up for the few phonics pages that didn't get done.  But, because we're doing school at Boy Wonder's pace (which is 2-10 weeks ahead of the recommended pace), I discovered that it's not a big deal to take a few sick days.  How cool is that?!

Anyway, I hope you all survive your last day of February unscathed.  And for your sake, I hope the nasty viral strain doesn't make it your way.  And sorry Grandma--the kids didn't mean to get you sick!

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