Tuesday, February 4, 2014

A Happy Phenomenon


If you ever want to be surrounded by happy women, go hang out with homeschool mommies.  It's the strangest thing, but the other homeschool mommies I meet absolutely love what they do.  Sure, they're probably exhausted from being around children all the time.  But the moms I've met genuinely love homeschooling.  (I'm sure there are some unhappy women who are being forced to home educate, but I haven't encountered any in my little sphere of existence yet.)

I honestly thought the "we love homeschooling" comments that I would receive from other mommies was a ploy to get other people to suffer right alongside them.  Don't they say that misery loves company?  I always thought that these comments were the same as the comments I used to get from people who live in Houston who claimed that Houston is the greatest place ever--it might be great if you've never lived anywhere else!  But no.  I'm finding that the enthusiasm and joy is actually real.  There's something infectious and fun about being a homeschool mommy.

I wish I could tell you why people love keeping their children home and managing their educational experiences.  The entire process seems like such a burdensome and overwhelming experience.  You would think that mommies would feel trapped by the constant responsibilities attached to homeschooling.  It seems so daunting to have to handle every aspect of a child's existence.  And yet even though mommies often feel insecure, not qualified enough, and are just flat-out exhausted with life, it seems that many homeschool mommies wouldn't change their chosen occupation if they had the chance! 

Is it that only happy mommies pursue homeschooling?  Or is it that homeschooling makes mommies happy?  Or is it that it's just completely awesome to go to work in your pajamas?  Who knows? Homeschooling sure comes with its share of headaches and challenges, but it also seems to make many mommies happy.

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