Thursday, September 11, 2014

We're Going on a Bug, Bird, Squirrel, Turtle, Hunt...

What does a really cool mommy do for the 2nd day of school?  She takes the kiddos on a field trip! 

So the timing may not have been ideal, but the field trip fit perfectly with my introduction to Zoology: Flying Creatures of the 5th Day.  The Fort Worth Botanic Gardens hosted a family discovery class for homeschool children yesterday.  The topic yesterday was to explore the creatures that live in the garden, which meant that we got to go on an animal safari.  This turned out to be super cool since most of the visible animals were winged creatures that we will be studying this school year!  And since next month's class is about monarchs, monarch migration, and monarch tagging, it should coordinate well with our studies as well. 

At first, I felt guilty about disrupting our "regular" schedule to go on a field trip.  But then it occurred to me that the beauty of homeschooling is being able to do this.  I've read posts, articles and books by other homeschool parents who recommend never missing out on a real-world opportunity to learn.   They say that if your child can experience something for themselves rather than have to learn it from a book or video, you should go for the experience every time.  This actually makes sense.  Don't most of us remember more from our experiences than our textbooks? 

So anyway, at the moment I'm the cool mom who took the kids on an animal safari yesterday where they got to use binoculars to see animals, bugs, water creatures, and flowers.  It was probably the hottest day of the month for the activity.  I totally forgot to take pictures with my phone.  And I should have brought water for the boys to drink on the hike.  But at the moment, they think I'm cool. We'll see how long that lasts.

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