Thursday, July 11, 2013

God is Handling the Details

If you decide that you want to do something where you pretty much have no control over the process, then try to buy or sell a house.  It won't take long to realize that nobody seems to really care about set dates--even when they're negotiated and in the contract-- and nobody seems to get the concept of good communication. Let me just say, that if I practiced law the way these bank and title folks work, I'd be disbarred.  I mean, how hard is it to meet a deadline?!  Or to return a phone call?!

Dear Husband and I are slated to close on both of our houses on Monday morning.  Only by the grace of God will this happen.  (I know, theologically speaking, only by the grace of God does anything happen.  But trust me, dealing with all these people would be 100% impossible without God.)

I've always heard the phrase that "God is in the details."  I just didn't really understand that phrase until now.  I totally get that God is in control.  But this entire real estate experience has demonstrated to me that not only is God in control of the entire process, but His timing is perfect for every single element of the process--as in every single piece of paper required for this to all go down.   He doesn't always allow things to get done a few days in advance (like lawyers prefer), but God always makes things happen when they're supposed to.  What a relief that He's in control and I'm not!

All I can do at this point is wait and trust that God is going to work it out.  I've packed all my boxes.  I've set up utilities for Monday morning.  I've booked my movers.  And I'm just letting God work it all out.  What a relief to know that He can do the impossible!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your move! I'd love to get together some time and see you again. I read this post last night as I was getting on my own blog to write this post, I've been seeing God's faithfulness in the details too this week.
