Tuesday, August 27, 2013

He's Not Little Any More

When he was 1!
 Yesterday was a day of mixed emotions.  I was a little sad when I got out of bed and realized that it could have been my oldest child's first day of school.  It could have been the day I sent him off to a large elementary school a block away to spend the day with dozens of other kindergartners.  It could have been a major milestone marking the point in our little guy's life where mom and dad officially acknowledge that our baby is growing up.  It could have been so sad for Mommy!

Thankfully, that didn't happen yesterday. Knowing this gave me such a sense of relief and slight giddiness because my little posse of sandbox playing, football loving, railroad track building, messy little boys is intact for another year.  

Dear Husband and I have decided to hold out for one more year.  Our #1 is definitely capable of handling kindergarten, but since he's a boy who was born in July we decided to heed the advice of friends and educators who have suggested that we hold our son back.  Plus, having fall birthdays ourselves, Dear Husband and I are familiar with the advantages that come with being the older students in one's class.  So we've decided to give our little guy his best shot at success by starting school later.  And this way, we get an extra year to help save up for college (should he choose to go).

The day he turned 5!
Today is a happy day.  My little boy still seems like a little boy.  He's already been in the sandbox.  He's played football with himself in the backyard (his newest obsession).  He's built a train track upstairs.  He's walked to Grandma's and begged for Mac N Cheese for lunch.  And later,  he'll take a nap.

I know my boys have to grow up.  Next year, we'll start a more structured routine.  Next year, we'll start using curriculum.  And next year, Mommy will start making lesson plans and grading papers.  Until then, Mommy wants her boys to play and have a fun time.  Can't believe my little guy is growing up so quickly. 

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