Thursday, August 1, 2013

The August Mulligan

Is it really August already?  August 1st is officially the back-to-school season opener around here, which means that summer is on it's way out.  Well, in Texas we might feel summer for another 3 or 4 months, but in reality, August means that I can start pulling out my tall leather boots and fall "mom bag" and pretend that it is fall.  August is also time to stock up on our college game-day gear for the whole family, because college football is getting ready to take us by storm.  Pretty soon, Starbucks is also going to be getting in the spirit of things and will be bringing back pumpkin spice for my lattes.  And there's a good chance that Kohl's is getting their Christmas trees ready for display (they always seem to be on the extreme front end of the seasonal curve).  Thus, August 1st is the ultimate indicator that change is coming.

After being miserable and pregnant last year, I forgot how much I love fall and everything that comes with it!  Just thinking about mums on my front porch and fitting into my wool coat again is making me forget how quickly I started sweating on our walk today in our 100 degree heat (there's no "glistening" when it's triple digits outside.)  Something about the back-to-school season just gets me excited and jumpy. 

When I was in school (which was for most of my life up until 2 years ago), back-to-school time marked a fresh start.  It was better than New Year's, because it meant a new teacher, new clothes, new friends, new grades, and clean slate.  I've never been a fan of the New Year's resolution, but I've always enjoyed the "do-over" that I get every fall. 

I think us adults who don't ever really get a back-to-school, fresh start each fall need to give ourselves a mental break and a personal clean slate.  We need to give ourselves permission to take a mulligan and start over.  It might mean interrupting your work-out schedule that you haven't really been keeping and starting a new one.  Or it might mean starting a new Bible-reading plan because you never got yourself caught up after missing a few days on your previous plan.  Or it just mean sending some old clothes to Good Will and going shopping for yourself (doesn't every girl need back-to-school clothes every year!?).  I love starting over. 

So happy August!  I hope you find something fresh and new to celebrate over the next 31 days.  

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh, I feel better with my purchases today. I shall chalk them up to Back-to- School. I do get a tiny bit sad year at this time since I am no longer going back to school. Great idea!
