Friday, November 15, 2013

Thanksgiving Play Date

This morning we had our Thanksgiving play date with small group friends. One family who had a little girl backed out at the last minute due to illness, but that's not too uncommon for Texans in November. And as much as we missed them, we're happy that they didn't share their germs with us.  So as it turned out, we had a morning of little boys running around (plus Baby G who took a timely nap). 

This time around, I had a few organized activities in my back pocket in the event that the rascals grew restless.  This was fortuitous because the boys did get hungry and ended up congregating at the kitchen table.  What perfect timing for a food craft!  (This was definitely not the audience for anything involving paint or glue!!!!)

Today we made apple turkeys.  My boys' turkeys are pictured at the top next to mine--can you figure out which apple belongs to whom?  I think the picture demonstrates that the 3 year old loved the idea of stabbing his apple with toothpicks, and that his version of artistic expression is definitely his own version.  The other 3 year old boy who was with us decided to forego the entire craft so that he could just eat his apple and the marshmallows.  That said, the older kids and mommies thought it was fun.  This turned out to be a no mess, no fuss, semi-healthy, and really cute project.

Who knew that apples, marshmallows, toothpicks, raisins, and candy corn could be so entertaining? (Beware though: finding candy corn AFTER Halloween isn't easy.)  But this turned out to be a super fun way to use food for crafting.  For other food craft ideas for Thanksgiving, there's more ideas on my Pinterest board.

1 comment:

  1. We should plan a play date! Text me and let me know what days of the week are good for you!
