Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Happy February!

I feel like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz as she waits for the hour glass to empty out.  That's what it's like waiting for the Bar exam.  Except now that February is here and the exam is THIS MONTH, I can see that there's not much sand left in the top of my hour glass.

I've been told that once you reach the month of the exam you completely turn into a nut case.  Not to worry, this already happened about 2 months ago.  I suppose I deserve these standing-on-the-edge-of-the-cliff emotions, because I very clearly remembering laughing at my husband's friends worry about their Bar exam a few years back.  I mean, they were ridiculous!  (Naturally, Dear Husband wasn't nervous, because he's a "crunch time" player and always does well under pressure, but his friends were a different story.)  Even though I generally don't believe in karma, in this case, karma has come back to bite me.

Anyway, it occurred to me that in the future I will likely never remember what February 2012 was like if I don't blog about it.  I absolutely intend to have a brain flush in March so that I can live in peace without all of this nonsense information in my brain.  Lord-willing, after this exam hopefully I can forget most of what I'm learning now.  After all, that's why people make big money selling lawyers reference books--because in real life lawyers look up the answers and don't memorize them!

So ironically, I'm celebrating February in my blog.  For whatever reason, I want to remember this month on paper, but I want to forget it in real life.  (If this doesn't make any sense, I told you I was turning into a nut case.)  Please bear with me over the next few weeks as I attempt to record all of the happenings of my life.  I'm sure it will be boring to the average reader, but hopefully someday (like in May when Bar results come out) I can look back and laugh at myself. I'm sure there are much better ways to use my time in these last few weeks, but blogging seems like a worthwhile avoidance technique.  (I'm the queen of avoidance when I'm supposed to be studying--like last spring when I turned into a baker during exam week or the previous year when I literally went into labor with my 2nd child during finals week.)

For whatever reason, I'm happy that February is here and I'm closer to being put out of my misery.  On the other hand, I'm dreading the next 4 weeks.  I've already lost my ability to sleep.  And last night I had a dream about the Holder in Due Course Doctrine.  Unfortunately, I still haven't figured out what a Holder in Due Course is.  Even after memorizing what is required to be a Holder in Due Course, I'm pretty sure I'll never be able to identify someone who actually has HDC status (apparently I'm supposed to be able to do this for an essay question on the big exam.) 

Now that I've rambled for enough paragraphs, please note that I hope you have a wonderful February.  Please enjoy and laugh at my misery.  I knowingly put myself in this situation, and I will get through it just as every other law graduate has done in the past.  But unlike them, I'm going to share with you a look inside the warped brain of a future lawyer.  And for your sake, let's hope I pass so we don't have to repeat this process again in July!

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