Thursday, February 16, 2012

Mommies Need to Give a Rip

What are you doing during that 5pm E/4pm C time slot every afternoon?  Since Oprah's been off the air for awhile, I'm just curious what stay-at-home mommies are watching these days.  For the most part, the 4pm hour on my television is filled with trash. (Who really wants to watch Dr. Oz, a.k.a, the Quack?)  That said, I have one show that I highly recommend.  It's The Five on the Fox News Channel.  Everyday they provide news and commentary on what's happening in the world--and yes, it is fair and balanced. 

Now I know that there plenty of moms who would say, "but isn't it better to watch Martha Stewart or Nate so that I can get some craft and styling tips?"  And of course the answer is NO! 

For years mommies and housewives have ignored the happenings in "the real world."  And now these same mommies are shocked when they hear that schools across the country are telling students that the lunches that their mommies pack are unhealthy. (If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you're really out of touch and need to watch the news.)  Yes, it's scandalous that our public schools are telling children that their parents suck at being parents.  But it's not surprising!  If mommies really tried to follow politics, they might have seen this coming...

Listen, I know that we're all busy cooking, cleaning, crafting, studying, driving our children all over town, etc..  But we cannot be ambivalent towards politics, and we certainly can't be ignorant.  There are people who really do want to tell mommies how to raise their children--history shows that they've been trying for decades.  Unfortunately, these people having been fighting to control our families while American families have been doing very little to fight back. As we saw in Germany during the 1920's and 1930's, when people allow the government to take control of their lives, governments go wild with power and abuse it. Let's not be so naive to believe that we can do nothing and maintain our freedom. 

So what can we, as busy mommies do?  How can we keep the government out of our pantries and lunchboxes? 

1) Be informed.  Watch the news (preferably nothing by NBC which is slanted by groups like Media Matters).

2) Read. Pick up a nonfiction book by a conservative like Mark Levin, Ann Coulter, Dennis Prager (my personal favorite).

3) Take a class on American History or the Constitution.  Hillsdale College is currently offering a free 10 week course on the Constitution online.  Go here to register before February 20:

4) Support a non-profit entity that is fighting for our religious and family freedoms. 

5) Vote.  Actually figure out who is on your ballot and what they stand for.  Then vote for the conservative people you like best.  Don't be bullied by the media.  You have a voice, so use it.  When people think for themselves, good candidates like Rick Santorum actually win!

6) Either know everything going on in your child's school, or educate your child yourself.  This goes for public and private schools.  You are responsible for what goes into your child's head.  Don't let your child get brainwashed from someone who has no morals.

7) Talk to other moms about these issues.  You might think that your public schools are great or that your neighbors think the same way you do. But you might be surprised.

Mommies have one of the most important jobs in this world.  We've got to start taking our roles seriously.  We don't need psychologists and nutritionists to tell us how to be good moms.  I've seen the blogs out there of extraordinary mothers who are creative and intelligent.  It's time that these mommies channel their skills to do more than decorate their houses.  Let's tell the government to back off and get out of our kitchens and to leave our children alone! 

For other ways to get involved visit

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