Tuesday, February 28, 2012

It's Exam Time!

Wow! Long time no blogged!  At least I have a pretty darn good excuse.  I've been studying.  And now the time has come...

Today was day 1 of the Texas Bar exam.  I must say that this weekend was miserable.  I had a full-on migraine (which I never have!), and the anticipation of knowing that this week was "it" was starting to take it's toll.  But today was a different story.  I woke up at 5 am ready to go. 

And then when I got to the testing center I was in for a big surprise.  Let's just say that a number of my former classmates (who took the July exam) were there too.  There's nothing to sway your confidence like seeing a bunch of people who failed the previous Bar Exam.  I'm sure that this is primarily a February phenomenon since most people take the Bar in the summer, but it still was slightly unnerving. 

That said, I could totally tell that I was being prayed for this morning.  It was almost surreal, but after the first 90 minute exam, it occurred to me that I was entirely in the zone.  I wasn't nervous.  I wasn't constantly scratching my head trying to remember answers.  I was just answering the questions.  In fact, at one point, my hand and brain were moving together so fast that it was like the answer just appeared on the page.  Some would say I'm weird or lucky, but the truth is that God was literally carrying me through today.  It was such a cool feeling.  I'm actually looking forward to seeing what happens with the 6 hours of multiple choice questions tomorrow and the 6 hours of essays on Thursday.

I also really want to thank you dear readers and friends for all of your prayer and support over the last few weeks.  I've received phone calls, e-mails, letters, Starbucks cards, free babysitting, and many face-to-face encounters with people who promised to pray for me this week.  It would take me forever to name you all personally.  And I have to apologize in advance that my thank you notes will be a few weeks late.  Please know that I appreciate your prayers and encouragement and will carry them with me through the next few days.  Lord-willing, this will all be over by Thursday evening at 4:30 pm!!!!

I am so privileged to have the opportunity to sit for a law license, and I'm so happy to be doing it with such a great team of people behind me.  Thanks for being "my people."  I love you all and can't wait to share pictures from a new adventure next week.  Let's just say that when this is all over, I'll be hanging loose for awhile!

1 comment:

  1. So proud of you. (Yes I said the "P" word, but I am!) Praying fervently for you, too. I love you!
