Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day


Happy Memorial Day!  Too often this day passes without a lot of notice.  In the past, Memorial Day has marked the end of the school year or the weekend of the Indy 500.  And in the present, I've come to realize that I don't personally have anyone in particular to memorialize on this day.  As far as I can recall, I don't personally know anyone who has died fighting for our country.  I've heard stories of great uncles who have lost their lives or limbs fighting in WWII, but these were men that I know very little about. Dear Husband and I were both blessed to have Grandfathers who fought in wars and came home.  Other than that, we are blessed to have been born in an era where the men in our lives weren't drafted and obligated to fight.  The men who we would memorialize are still alive today.  And we are both so thankful for this fact.
2 years ago, Dear Husband and I took our boys to San Antonio over the Memorial Day weekend.  Getting to spend my Memorial Day at the Alamo was really special.  Not only did I feel the weight of that battle on that day, but I stood outside the mission walls and watched as my Senator swore-in Navy Servicemen as United States citizens.  This was the first time that I ever really "experienced" Memorial Day. 
I don't have any special plans today to haul my posse around to some patriotic sight or battlefield.  I don't have any war movies cued up to record on my DVR.  And I don't have any graves to visit.  Still, I'm thankful for all those who came before me who died (or lost a loved one) so that I might live free.  Happy Memorial Day America!

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