Tuesday, June 11, 2013

We are So Not Normal

When I recently predicted that things were going to start getting crazy around here, I had no idea what I was predicting.  Things have been more than a little nuts.  Last week we booked quite a few house showings during the most incovenient times.  Some unusual happenings have occurred at Dear Husband's job.  My dryer stopped drying clothes (can't wait for my Best Buy delivery next Monday!).  My remote control stopped functioning.  Baby G has started chasing our cats on her hands and knees while yelling "Da-da."  The temperature and humidity have spiked indicating that summer has arrived early.  I have been up to my elbows in medical records and legal work.  And summer is just getting started...
I'm starting to think that there's no such thing as "normal."  It seems that my little family is always in some sort of transition period.  When we first got married we had the graduate school phase where we anticipated starting our careers.  Then we went to law school and spent 5 years rethinking and planning our careers.  Sometime during that period I became a mother and completely gave up on everything I had planned during the previous 5 years.  After I graduated from law school, we had 6 months of "normal," which ended right in time for me to start studying for the Bar.  Following the Bar, I got pregnant and spent the majority of the next 9 months in bed dealing with sickness and preterm contractions.  Then began life with a baby.  We were kind of hoping that 2013 might be the beginning of "normal" for us.  But between listing our house for sale and dealing with some job issues, we are not even approaching the intersection of "normal" and "almost-normal."  Nope.  We're in that transition phase of keeping the house staged and show-ready while wondering what is going to happen each day at work. 
Some people might dread our constant state of going-and-changing, but I'm coming to the realization that change is NORMAL for our family.  Not having some sort of project or life-change to anticipate would probably drive us crazy.  In some strange way we sound unstable.  But I think that regular change is our form of adventure.  It's rather exciting to look at the future with optimism and excitement about the unknown.  When will we move?  What type of homeschool teacher will I be?  Where will our children do their extracurricular activities?  What activities will those be? and What will our legal careers look like in 10 years? 
It's safe to say that I don't have an answer to any of these questions.  Only God knows.  For now, I just have to take life one day at a time.  I have to give each day to God and follow where He leads.  Not being normal isn't so bad as long as I'm right where God wants me to be.

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