Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Nothing Says "Hello Summer!" Like VBS

We're in the middle of VBS this week.  Thankfully, some super smart person decided that our week should start on Sunday night, so this evening is already Day 3.  And for the first time ever, I have a child old enough to participate in all of the fun.

Well, my child thinks that the entire event is super fun.  But I'm in a state of mental fatigue.  Being stuck in a tiny classroom with 30 screaming children is probably my worst nightmare.  As a member of the Missions team, I've been given a whole entire to-do list to accomplish with each group of kiddos that comes through my room.  The problem is that every group of kiddos has about 30 kids and I only have 7.5 minutes to do everything on my list!  I'm pretty sure it took that long last night just to do a head count of the preschool red group because the leader thought she had lost someone.  Ugghhh.... 

The good news is that we have 3x the number of children attending VBS than we had last year (I think we had 225 last night).  Us leaders may not have been prepared for the large numbers of kids that were coming our way, but God is good.  His Word is being shared with over 200 children each night!  What a relief to know that my inadequacy to deal with the time and scores of little creatures under the age of 12 that come to my room really doesn't matter.  Because God is still at work.

What a joy to see little ones excited to come to church to learn about God.  If only people our age got this excited about church, maybe our world would be a better place.

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