Monday, October 14, 2013

She's Walking!

That's right, Baby G started walking this weekend!  She's been on the verge of independently ambulating for some time, but this weekend she finally built up the courage to go solo.  (I think she overheard me telling her Daddy that she has a fear problem and decided to prove me wrong.)

Something tells me that this girl is going to keep us on our toes.  She's only 10 months old (turns 11 months next week) and she's doing things that her brothers weren't doing until much later.   This month she has also started to refer to people by different sounds:  Dada (short vowel sound) is kind of obvious, Nono (short vowel sound) is her mommy, Dodo (short vowel sound) is Grandpa, Gar and Ga are her brothers, and this morning she was asking for Gaga which is probably Grandma since they were hanging out together last night.  Not sure how Grandma is going to like being named after a disgusting performer, but Gaga it is for now.

Baby G has also distinguished herself by making herself known as "the happy baby."  Everywhere we go, she's happy, she waves, she talks to strangers, and she squeals with delight.  She's everything you might imagine a little girl to be (I mean, the last time she sobbed in public was when I took her Juicy Couture shoes away and put them in the box!).  Her brothers have nicknamed her "Grabsy" because she's always into their toys.  And she already has a little friend that she gets so excited to see when they're in the nursery together at church--I think she tried to give her a hug the last time they were together.

Can't help loving this stage.  There's nothing like watching a little one's personality blossom!

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