Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Battle for the Bismarck

Last Sunday was eventful.  Hopefully, tomorrow won't be quite as exciting.  It all started when the boys got into a battle over The Bismarck, their model ship replica of the German battleship that was bombed, scuttled, and sunk during WWII. I wasn't really paying attention to the argument.  But when I heard the screams, I knew that something had happened.

Somehow, little brother's finger got smashed in a bedroom door.  I'm pretty sure it was an accident.  But it was a gross and bloody mess.  At first, I hoped that we could run the finger under some water to make it feel better.  But when I performed my orthopedic nursing assessment, I was pretty sure that we needed medical intervention as soon as possible.  That's how Mr. T ended up making his 2nd trip to the emergency room. 

Thank goodness for Lidocaine.  It's amazing what a person can endure once that stuff kicks in.  Our sweet three year old survived a nail bed manipulation and steri strip application with that stuff.  He ended up with a broken finger, but we have hope that the nail will survive and life will go on.  It appears that he managed to evade surgery as well.  At least now we've made friends with our local ER doctor and a nice orthopedic surgeon.  Somehow, I doubt that we've seen the last of these guys.

I really hadn't planned on spending a few days of our Spring Break sitting in doctor's offices and waiting rooms.  But this is parenting: always expect the unexpected.  I really never expected that the boys' war games would get physical.  I guess the British aren't the only ones to suffer at the hands of the Bismarck.

Just a note: Because I'm a nurse who has taken care of my share of wounds, it occurred to me that I ought to take a picture of the injured finger (although I'm not going to share it online). This photo turned out to be very useful for subsequent treating physicians who wanted to see the initial injury.  So when in doubt, DO take those bloody photos!

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