Thursday, March 1, 2012

All Done

The Bar Exam is officially over and my answers have all been submitted.  By the end of Day 1, I was on a high.  On Day 2 I took a huge beating and could barely keep my eyes open when Dear Husband took me out for dinner.  Then this morning I woke up and my right eye was almost swollen shut--no joke.  Day 3 of the Bar Exam and I was a semi-cyclops.  And of course, Day 3 is notoriously the worst.  There's nothing quite as intimidating as sitting down and answer 12 random essays that are pulled from some of the remotest corners of our Texas statutes. That's what I'm told anyway...

Day 3 was an interesting day for me.  Apart from the fact that I was sucking down Advil with the hope that the anti-inflammatory effect would help my eye, I was really pumped.  I love a good a challenge, and knowing that I wasn't having to face the challenge alone made it so much less scary.

This morning I spent about an hour in the parking lot at the testing center prior to the exam reading Texas law.  And what  do you know, about an hour after I finished reading Texas landlord-tenant law, I discovered that I had 2 landlord-tenant questions!  Not only that, but one of them actually included some bizarre question about condemnation awards.  (Bizarre property questions are kind of the norm on the Texas Bar, so this wasn't that big of a deal.) What was bizarre is that I actually knew the answer to the question because my husband, an attorney who practices eminent domain law, sat down and explained that VERY answer to me about a week ago!  Amazing.

By lunchtime I had pretty much figured out that God had given me these answers in advance.  I mean, what are the odds that Dear Husband would literally give me the answer last week?  So as I ate my lunch in the car I prayed that the next set of essays would be something that I had studied.  Isn't it cool that God in His omniscient power knows what I've been studying.  Anyway, I decided that for some reason I needed to read check forgery at lunch.  I just felt that I could not get out of my car until I read about forgery.  And what do you know, my Uniform Commercial Code question was about forgery!  Oh, yes it was!  And I knew the answer.

Please know that I don't consider myself a genius.  I'm a decent student, but I didn't graduate Order of the Coif with some fancy circle on my hat.  I'm just an average law graduate who has a God that literally guided me through a day of essays.  Isn't He awesome?

I honestly had no intent to blog this evening, but I had to share how great God has been this week.  I know that many of you have been praying for me this week, and I'm so humbled and honored by that.  Your prayers were effective.  And our God is Great!

I won't know if I passed until May, but I do know that regardless of what happens it will be a part of God's plan.

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