Monday, April 23, 2012

Big Girls Like Tea Parties Too

So technically, I didn't officially celebrate National Princess Week last week.  But I did attend a large (and lovely) tea party.  The ladies at my church threw a rather lavish party on Saturday morning and invited a special guest to lead worship and share from her heart during our party.  It was fantastic!

Each table at our event was sponsored by a woman in the church who apparently got the memo that this was a very Southern event.  The room was covered in china and bling!  Each table had it's own flashy china pattern with matching tea pots and fine cutlery.  And of course there were flowers EVERYWHERE.  Not only that, but there were silk flowers, pictures of flowers, curtains with flowers, and flower, flowers,  more flowers!  I'm telling you this event was sooooo Southern.  To top it off, our menu came directly from Southern Living Magazine.  Yummy!  (Unfortunately, it never crossed my mind to take pictures).

The amazing thing about this event was the fact that it reflected the multi-generational population of our new church. At my table, we had a woman from every life stage--a grandmother, a mom of college/high school kids, a mom of elementary/middle schoolkids, a toddler mom, an expectant mom, a newlywed, and a mother who was cracking us up telling us how nervous she was about her oldest child's upcoming nuptials.  It was so fun to share a morning with what seemed like a random group of women.  But it wasn't random at all.  We may not have known each other well, but we all found ways that our lives connected.  And I know that I was encouraged by my new friends.

Historically, I've been a little hesitant to attend ladies' functions. But I was reminded this weekend how refreshing fellowship can be when we share our lives with other Christian women who are filled with the love of Jesus! 

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