Monday, April 2, 2012

Brotherly Love

Now about brotherly love we do not need to write to you, for you yourselves have been taught by God to love each other. I Thessalonians 4:9

My boys have suddenly decided that they need to do everything together.  They insist on sleeping in the same room and going to bed at the same time.  They cry if they don't get to ride in the same car.  They beg me to let them go to class together at church (which does happen on Wednesday nights).  And they throw a fit if one child gets to go play in the backyard without his brother.  This new phenomenon of wanting to include each other in everything really fascinates me.

We intentionally had our boys close together in age so that our children would be friends.  But we had no idea that two little boys could develop a bond so quickly.  We started noticing signs of this special relationship when they were really little, but the depth of their love and attachment to each other has become visible more recently.

Not long ago, our oldest child was afraid to go play at the park because there were older children there.  Sensing his big brother's hesitation, the little one grabbed the older one's hand and walked with him to the park.  I mean, how cute is that?  But how much more amazing is it that a not-quite 2 year old could understand what the older brother needed!

Similarly, our youngest son is having issues adjusting to his big boy bed.  He insists on roaming around the room at night and often cries.  Our oldest son, however, seems to understand his brother's insecurities when it comes to being out of the confines of the crib.  Thus, if the little one is heading off to bed, our oldest insists on going to bed (in the same room) with him.  There's nothing cuter than hearing a 3 year old assure his 1 year old brother that it will be ok and that he needs to go back to sleep.

There's no doubt in my mind that these boys love each other.  They may argue and get upset with each other over a toy, but at the end of the day, they want to be together and to encourage one another.  What an awesome example of love for us!  This makes me wonder, do I love my Christian brothers and sisters with this type of love?  Am I willing to hold other peoples' hands during their scary situations?  Am I willing to "be there" when my brothers and sisters need encouragement?

Isn't it funny how God can use little ones to teach us such profound truths?  I'm definitely rethinking my response toward other people.  How much more would my brothers and sisters in Christ benefit if I loved them in the same way that my boys love each other?  It's amazing to think about how God can use us if we just obey his commands.  So why not try out a little brotherly love?

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