Wednesday, January 16, 2013

He Walks With Me

I was stressed out yesterday morning.  I was running on a tight schedule; there was slushy wintery mix on the roads; I had a scheduled doctor's appointment for something that concerned me (turns out everything is fine); I had three hungry kids in the car who were not going to make it to Grandma's as scheduled because every car in my small town insisted on driving 5 miles per hour (no joke!); My car was in need of more gas; My blackberry was exploding with emails from work related to a potential conference call that I was supposed to have with an expert witness; As far as I knew, my grandfather was still unresponsive in a hospital in Michigan (that hasn't changed yet); And a dear friend texted me that the ultrasound of her 37 week baby was not reassuring and that her delivery date has been moved up.  
Just as I was starting to feel the weight of all this, the words of Matt Redman's song Never Once kept looping through my head. I was immediately comforted at the reminder that I haven't been asked to handle all this alone.  My faithful God is literally walking with me through this life.  What a joy to know and have a relationship with the one, true God! 
Standing on this mountaintop 
Looking just how far we've come 
Knowing that for every step 
You were with us 

Kneeling on this battle ground 
Seeing just how much You've done 
Knowing every victory 
Is Your power in us 

Scars and struggles on the way 
But with joy our hearts can say 
Yes, our hearts can say 

Never once did we ever walk alone 
Never once did You leave us on our own 
You are faithful, God, You are faithful 

Scars and struggles on the way 
But with joy our hearts can say 
Never once did we ever walk alone 
Carried by Your constant grace 
Held within Your perfect peace 
Never once, no, we never walk alone 

Every step we are breathing in Your grace 
Evermore we'll be breathing out Your praise 
You are faithful, God, You are faithful 
You are faithful, God, You are faithful

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