Thursday, January 9, 2014

Not Quite the Week I Had Planned

How has it been a week since my last blog post?  I really wanted to do a better job keeping up-to-date with my posting.  Although this was not a resolution, I was hoping that as we started the homeschool process that I could document as I went.  But then life happened.

I should have known that I was in trouble when Boy 1 and Baby G both had fevers on New Year's Eve.  They seemed perfectly fine on New Years' Day, but by last Thursday I could tell that something was wrong--at least with the boy who was running a temp of 103.  So I took Boy 1 to the pediatric urgent care and discovered that he had strep and walking pneumonia.  This discovery prompted Mr. Wonderful to pick up the other two kiddos from Grandma's in order to get strep tests.  Sure enough, despite the fact that Boy 2 didn't even have a fever, all 3 tested positive for strep.  So Thursday, I spent about 6 hours dealing with doctors and pharmacists and fevers.  That was only the beginning of things...

The next morning, I noticed a text from my mom that had been sent around midnight.  Apparently, my grandma, who was visiting from out of state, had to be taken to the ER due to shortness of breath.  As it turned out, she ended up having a heart attack.  This prompted a trip to the cath lab.  And the heart cath prompted the doctor to schedule her for an open-heart bypass on Monday morning. 

As all these events were underway, our relatives in Indy were getting snowed-in, church activities and meetings were getting set, work picked up, and somehow I'm supposed to start homeschooling on Monday!!!  I'm actually considering taking Excedrin just thinking about my January calendar.  Thank goodness I didn't make any resolutions, because I would have already failed.

What an interesting year this may be!

1 comment:

  1. Has it only been 1 week?! Feel like we have lived months already in 2014!
