Friday, January 10, 2014

Who's Nervous?

I had an interesting conversation with my oldest son today.  We're scheduled to start kindergarten on Monday, and I though I should see how he feels about school.  When I asked him about school, he informed me that HE was nervous.  Of course I would never admit it to him, but I'M the one who should be nervous, right? 

My son told me that he was a little afraid that when we started school that he would have too much work.  Apparently, he was under the impression that I am expecting him to read ALL of the books that I have collected over the past months.  I had to explain to him that at some point he would probably read all the books, but until he learns to read, I'll be reading the books to him.  I also told him that we would have a new topic each week based around one book.  Plus, I explained that homeschooled kids don't really have homework since all their work can be done during school time. This seemed to make him feel a little bit better.

It's funny that I've spent months praying and doing whatever I could to prepare and psych myself up for the homeschooling process. It never occurred to me that my son might need the same amount of psyching up (although this shouldn't be a shocker since he's so much like his mother!).

It looks like the fun is going to begin on Monday morning.  I know it's not the traditional time of year to start school.  I know that it's not the norm to be educating my child at home.  And I know that I've taken on an enormously huge task.  But that's the beauty of being able to do school at home.  I'm not bound by institutional norms or political agendas.  Instead, I can do what works for me and for my family.  And legally speaking, I'm doing what is in the best interest of my child.  Also, I'm discovering, that the possibilities are endless...

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