Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Oh What a Beautiful Morning

Today is a great day so far.  For the last week, my mornings have been rough.  Yesterday was even rougher when I ran out of my anti-emetic drugs. And as pregnant woman who has battled morning sickness with every prior pregnancy, I know better than to allow my prescriptions to run out.  Shame on me.  I sure got what was coming to me yesterday. 

Thankfully, yesterday afternoon Dear Husband swooped in on his white horse and brought me my beloved package from the pharmacy.  And so far, today has been a good day.  So good, in fact, that I've already read my Bible, checked and responded to emails, and have eaten breakfast.  Plus, for the first morning in about 6 months, I'm actually blogging before noon!

Lately I've had a really bad attitude.  I look bad.  I feel bad.  I'm tired.  I only have enough energy to perform basic household functions and to change my 2 year old's diapers.  I would prefer to disengage from society for the next 5 months rather than be publicly pregnant.  And for some reason, people think that if they ask how I feel every time I see them, I'm going to miraculously start feeling better.  Listen, my physical pain is a day-to-day issue that will likely last for the rest of pregnancy.  And no, the 2nd trimester has rarely brought me any relief.  Odds are that I'm not going to feel better until I'm holding this child, so please don't feel that you have to ask me how I'm feeling because my new answer to this question is always "pregnant." As you can see, my attitude has been pretty bad.

But then I came across a Bible verse this morning that made me stop and think.  I Timothy 2:15 says, "But women will be preserved through the bearing of children if they continue in faith and love and sanctity with self-restraint."  I know that there's much speculation about what Paul actually means by this verse, but to me in my current state, he's reminding me that my divinely ordained role is to be a mother.  Child birth is going to stink.  Yet, God, in His grace, allows us moms to fulfill our divinely ordained role by tolerating and surviving pregnancy and childbirth.  It's not supposed to be a fun experience.  But it's the experience that God has designed for women.  Thus, I must embrace my role and stop complaining. My life needs to be characterized by faith, love, and sanctity with self-restraint.  What a high calling, right?  Unlike men, we may not be called to lead in the church or in the home, but our calling isn't easy either.  It's unique and special.

I'm so thankful for how God sends us His Word when the time is right.  It's time for me to stop wallowing and to start focusing on God's divinely ordained role for me--a role that no man could ever fill!  When I'm reminded that God has a role for me and a plan for my life (that includes being sick during pregnancy), it's awfully hard to see the morning as anything but beautiful!

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