Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Church in the News

"Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world." James 1:27

There was an awful story in the news a few days ago about a local man who committed double homicide, attempted murder, and supposedly, attempted suicide.  This man killed two mothers.  One mother had 3 children and the other had 5 children.  The story was so yucky that I didn't even read it all.  The man was an estranged husband who decided to get his revenge on his wife and her friend. Thank goodness he didn't go after the children.

This morning as I was reading the news online (my generation doesn't buy newspapers anymore), I read an article about an Arlington church that was extending help to the children of the murdered mothers.  At first, I was surprised that this story even made the news.  A church is actually following the command to care for orphans in their distress and the news is actually sharing this testimony!  What an amazing response to such a horrific ordeal.  According to the church's website, one of the mothers was a member of the church.  But the other was not.  And the church was still reaching out to both families.

This is the kind of story we should be able to read more often!  Every time we read a disgusting violent crime story, we ought to be able to read a follow-up story about a local church extending love and support to the victims.  The victims shouldn't even have to be members or regular attendees of the church.  Instead, the church ought to be seeking those who are hurting so that we can share God's love with them!  It's great that there are women's shelters and food pantries, but churches ought to be running these places.  We shouldn't rely on government agencies, like FEMA, or local non-profits to take up the cause of victims.  Churches ought to be in the business of caring for victims.

To the members of Tabernacle Baptist Church in Arlington, Texas: Your actions are being noticed.  You are a testimony of pure and undefiled religion!  Keep up the good work of the Lord!  Your actions are making me consider what my church is doing (or should be doing) on behalf of local victims.  I will start praying about how we can reach out to other families in need.  Please know that your example is not only having an impact on the victims of this ordeal, but also on other churches as well.  Keep living out the book of James...

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