Monday, June 27, 2011

Hearts on Fire

"They said to one another, 'Were not our hearts burning within us while He was speaking to us on the road, while He was explaining the Scriptures to us?' And they got up that very hour and returned to Jerusalem, and found gathered together the eleven and those who were with them, saying, 'The Lord has really risen and has appeared to Simon.' They began to relate their experiences on the road and how He was recognized by them in the breaking of the bread." Luke 24:32-35

Our church youth group went to youth camp last week.  And for them, going to youth camp is like going to a revival.  It's not about the drama and the who-likes-who and the pranks that they can pull on each other (I'm flashing back to my high school trips), but for them, going to camp is a chance to unite together in worship.  I've never seen a group of teenagers so excited about being together and praising Jesus.

Our church sent approximately 20 people to Youth for the Nations last week.  And all 20 shared their testimony in church yesterday.  Think about it, every teenager that went to camp got up and talked about what God taught them last week.  Here are a few of the exciting lessons some of the kids shared:
  • God showed me what was wrong about my life.  I've been living my life doing school and band, but  that's it.  I have been called to share the Gospel and to minister to my high school [public school] band! Watch out band, here I come." (The way he actually said it was better than my version.)
  • "I know that God has called me to do something for Him. I don't know exactly what He wants me to do, but I know He'll show me when I'm ready. Or maybe when I'm not." (great theology)
  • "I have to stop comparing myself to others because Jesus loves me for who I am."
  • "I learned that I have to start going to church every Sunday.  I used to be too tired on Sunday morning, but I learned that I'm supposed to be here every week." (His mom stood up and shouted "Amen!" to that.)
  • I was excited about going to camp so that I could experience God this week. I wanted to "feel" Him while I worshiped.  But then I realized that I was searching for a feeling and was not resting my hopes and desires on who God is.  I was focused on emotions and not on God's truth."  
As the teens shared their personal stories, the clocked ticked on and on.  Our service went an hour over our normal time yesterday and nobody cared.  It was pretty great to see teenagers on fire for their faith. It was like we were having our own road to Emmaus disciples come speak God's truth. 

When was the last time you had the fire burning in your heart and others could see it?  To be honest, I remember giving my testimony after youth missions trips in high school, but I don't remember being that excited about being a Christian. It's not that I'm not grateful and humbly thankful for my Salvation, because I am.  God has done some amazing things in my life and He has called me for His own purpose.  I just hope that other people can see as clearly in my life what I could see in those kids on Sunday.  I hope other people can see that God is real, He's working in my life, and He consumes me.

1 comment:

  1. What a blessing! See how a fire kindles and keeps on burning - the teens came home excited, they shared their excitement and testimonies, which encouraged those listening at church, who in turned were convicted by the Holy Spirit and will now start sharing their excitement to others who are listening...
