Tuesday, June 21, 2011

It's Never Too Early to Learn How to Apply Sunscreen

As per our normal routine, my toddler was watching Sid the Science Kid yesterday while I was getting ready.  For some reason, yesterday's show got him really excited.  It was about the sun.  And there was this really cool science experiment with black construction paper and sunscreen that the kids did to demonstrate how sunscreen works. We might even try the experiment at home, because it looked pretty interesting.

Anyway, after we got dressed I took my boys to Southlake where we shopped with Grandma.  Before we stopped at Starbucks for our afternoon snack, I dragged the boys to a "teenager" store (that shall remain nameless) where I was hoping to find a sundress.  While in the store, something must have inspired my little guy.

As we were walking around the store, he got really excited and told us that we needed sunscreen to protect us from the sun.  And then he told us he wanted to put it on us.  And then I saw it coming.  He spit into his hands and wanted to rub the "sunscreen" on me.  Of course, being the fun mommy that I am, I let him put sunscreen on my legs.  Next he tried to put his sunscreen on my mom.  I don't think she was quite as enthused to be covered in his spit.  When he was done trying to convince Grandma that she needed sunscreen he then took off his baseball cap and rubbed spit in his hair.  At this point, even the sales guy was laughing.  It was still cute.

But as we made our way to the front door of the shop, my little guy decided to put sunscreen on the mirrors and every counter he walked by.  Now I realized that the best way to remedy the situation was to leave the store as fast as possible. He was getting really carried away. So I asked my little guy to be a gentleman and to open the front door for his mommy and grandma who were walking behind him with the stroller and the baby.  Once he figured out that all he had to do was push the door, he put his hands in place to open it.  But then he paused.

I'm sure my eyes got really wide and my mouth dropped open at this point.  I tried to verbalize the words "no" but he beat me to the punch when he announced in his serious voice "Oh, I think we need to put sunscreen on the door."  Next, he spit on his hands and rubbed his spit all over the front door of the shop!  As I gasped in horror, I couldn't help myself and started laughing.  He really though he was doing something helpful by applying sunscreen.  And who am I to stop a healthy habit like that? 

Oh well. I guess one store in Southlake won't be getting a sunburn.

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