Thursday, July 28, 2011

Putting the Heels Back on the Shelf

"...for children are not responsible to save up for their parents, but parents for their children." 2 Corinthians 12:21

So the saying is true. Having children does change everything. 

Earlier this week, I decided to capitalize on the fact that there are some great fall preseason sales at the mall right now.  I even allowed myself to be tempted to the point of trying on some incredible high heeled shoes.  I tried these lovely shoes on:
But when I left the mall, all I had purchased were these:

Yes, I now own a pair of toddler size 7 and preschool size 11 New Balance tennis shoes.  And I even paid for the fancy inserts for the preschool pair.  Plus, I now have 6 pairs of sox--3 white pair and 3 black pair.  So fashionable, I know.

Shoe shopping for little boys is about as fun as underwear shopping.  Sizes and styles are meaningless, and nothing fits like you'd expect.  And of course, the sales people never understand why I refuse to purchase the size that is supposed to fit my kids.  Apparently they have never had a child who curls his foot into a ball every time someone comes near him with a shoe.  There's no way I'm buying the size that's supposed to fit because it would take a half hour per foot to actually get shoes on.  And whoever invented high tops for babies was also clueless.  There is no way to get those kind of shoes on a baby.

Shoes are such a problem with my youngest that he has spent most of his life in sandals or socks.  Now that he's walking, however, I felt that he needed a pair of solid and supportive sneakers.  While shopping for him, I figured I might as well bite the bullet and buy his brother a pair of shoes too.  Now I'm good for at least 3 months. Hopefully.

When I left the mall it occurred to me that I managed to provide tennis shoes and accessories for both of my boys for less than the cost of the cute, but uncomfortable, heels that I tried on for myself.  Somehow, this made me feel like a good mommy.  Or maybe it was just a reality check that I've been a little self-absorbed lately. 

Sometimes Mommy needs to remember that life as I once knew it is over.  Those great sales at the mall are now tools for family survival.  No longer are they my excuse to have some fun. Sometimes the high heels need to go back on the shelf so that I can buy little tennis shoes. (Not for me, of course!)   After all, watching my little guy do the toddler moon walk in his first pair of good tennis shoes was priceless.

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