Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Taste of Love is Sweet

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." Philippians 4:8

While I was working the other day, I heard my little guy singing "The taste of love is sweet..." and at that point I had to pause.  I have done everything in my power to ensure that he has spent hours listening to classical music, Christian kid's music, and hymns.  I even spent hours listening to special music when I was pregnant with him because it's supposed to be good for his development.  And now, he's singing the 2nd verse to Johnny Cash's The Ring of Fire

Then again, while shopping with my mom the other day, I heard a familiar little voice from across the store say, "Hello, I'm Johnny Cash." Next, he proceeded to sing Folsom Prison.  He knows every word.  And yes, there is something fundamentally wrong with a 2 year old singing that he's "stuck in Folsom prison...and I shot a man just to watch him die." Ugh, and I thought the Wiggles were bad.

You might ask how my child became obsessed with one of country's greatest legends.  Well, it all started when he became obsessed with trains.  His Daddy kept singing about the "train rolling around the bend."  After that, every time he was in Daddy's car he wanted to hear the "train song" aka Folsom Prison. Thanks Daddy.

Now my child is Johnny Cash's biggest fan.  Thankfully, Johnny had a really great testimony and prison ministry towards the end of his life. We've even found some later recordings that are great bedtime songs.  I'm sure that we can use this new obsession to learn about how God changes lives.  And who knows, maybe one of my kids will have their own prison ministry someday.  You never know.

What I do know is that little minds can remember and comprehend a whole lot more than you'd expect.  I have been reminded that I have to carefully monitor what I listen to on the radio.  I don't have to buy special toddler songs for my little guys, because they're already listening to and understanding everything I'm listening to on the radio.  I just need to make sure that anything that what I put in me is appropriate for them too.

And the next time you're at a ball game or flipping through stations and hear a Johnny Cash song, think about the 2 year old with his fake microphone bobbing his head up and down singing along.

1 comment:

  1. Very cute! My boys love Abba's "Dancing Queen" probably because ZS and I dance around the kitchen when we hear it. I think it is ok to mix in the occasional secular song with the christian music! Besides, it makes for a cute story!
