Sunday, July 31, 2011

Daddy Got Wet

I kind of messed up today.  I'm normally a really good planner and tend to keep my ducks in a row.  But today, I was not prepared for church--at all. 

Today was Day 5 of our Adventure Week at church where the children and their parents got to share in the experience together during the Sunday morning service.  Following the lesson and praise and worship time, we had a party with hot dogs and a water slide.  And this was a huge, 18 foot water slide. 

I have to admit that I knew in advance that there would be a water slide, but I secretly hoped that my kids would be too little and would just have to go home with us and play in the sprinkler instead.  It never occurred to me that someone at church would be kind enough to think of my youngest son.  She filled up a baby pool with water and kept it under a canopy so that he could play in the shade.  Pretty genius. 

I should have never underestimated my church friends.  I should have packed swim clothes and towels and had the boys ready for the water activities.  But no, at 9:45 when I realized how poorly I had prepared for today, I called my husband who was already on his way to church with the boys.  Of course, everyone was wearing their normal church clothes, and the boys even matched. (Go Daddy!)  So what's a mommy to do with 30 minutes to spare and no time to run home? Go to Target, of course.  By the time Daddy got to church, Mommy had bought the boys new swim trunks, shirts, and a "Cars" towel to share.  Too bad I didn't think about buying Daddy some trunks too.

When the water fun started, we quickly realized that our 3 year old was going to have issues.  The inflatable 18 foot water slide looked like so much fun and he was dying to go down the slide.  Unfortunately, you practically had to go rock climbing to get up it.  So Daddy did what daddies do best.  He saved the day.  He actually got in the inflatable thingy and tried to push our kiddo to the top.  Too bad it was slippery, because they both slipped and ended up soaked.  Not to be deterred, Daddy bravely tossed me his keys, wallet, and watch and they attempted the ascent not once, but twice before getting to the top. 

At the top of the slide, our kiddo started screaming and crying.  By the time he made it to the bottom "pool" of water, he was done and Daddy was soaked.  Then when he realized that in order to get to the exit you had to go down another water slide, our kiddo was almost hysterical.  Fortunately, Mommy reached in and pulled him out.  Daddy, on the other hand, was on his own...

My husband is a very composed and self-conscious guy.  Jumping into pools or doing anything "extreme" just isn't his style.  Today I was very proud of him.  He got wet for a good cause.  He really did save the day and proved that he is a #1 Dad.  Too bad Mommy didn't have the video camera!

1 comment:

  1. That is priceless! Go Daddy!! Wish I could have been there with my camera, too!
