Friday, August 12, 2011

The Monkey Needs Air

Little boys never cease to do amazing and sometimes, downright clever things.

The other evening, Daddy was on dinner duty since mommy was on a tight work deadline. This of course, meant that Daddy was grilling us something for dinner.  As is typical, my son went outside with Daddy to "assist."

As my husband was getting ready to throw the burgers on the grill, he noticed that my son was doing something strange. Our little guy was furiously stepping on our foot controlled air pump and had the needle tip aimed directly at his stuffed monkey's mouth. Puzzled, my husband asked why my son was using the air pump on his monkey. Then my son proceeded to tell the story...

Dole (the monkey) was playing baseball in our backyard.  Apparently, as he was rounding the bases he slip on home plate and hurt his shoulder. (This is what happened to our son the other night before we took him to the doctor for his collar bone fracture.) Since Dole was hurt, the little guy had carried him over to the air pump because he needed air!

My very impressed husband asked our son if he wanted to be a doctor someday.  That's when the little guy looked him square in the eye and replied, "But I am a doctor."  Well, of course!  I mean the little guy already understands that sick people need oxygen!  Mommy, the nurse, couldn't have been prouder of her intuitive little boy. 

And just for the record, Dole is doing just fine.  Mommy thinks he needs a brace for his collar bone too so that both monkey and child can get well together while staying off the backyard baseball diamond for a few weeks.

1 comment:

  1. That was brilliant! Makes you just want to hug and squeeze him!
