Monday, August 29, 2011

You Still Have That?

Don't you love it when people look at your phone or your computer and ask you why you're still using that?  As if you we're automatically expected to have the newest and greatest technological advancements in our homes.  I just get the feeling that we're being scammed by all the technology companies out there.  How in the world is some hyper advanced product supposed to change my life when I don't need all the gadgets and functions and bells and whistles that come with it?  Sometimes less is more--even though the general population hasn't figured it out yet. 

For example, Apple has brainwashed us.  We don't need fancy i-pods, i-phones, i-pads, i-cars, i-toilets, or whatever other random toy they've created.  Some jobs might be easier with an i-something, but must of us can function just fine without.  Go to the cell phone store and ask any distributor.  We've been told multiple times that if you're a working person who needs a phone for work, you've got to have a Blackberry. (My law firm is all about the blackberry.)  So the i-phone is for the tech person who wants all the fun.  I don't.

I was so relieved this weekend when my husband brought me my new phone.  I had sent him on a phone mission and decided to trust his judgment.  Thank goodness we think alike.  I'm now the proud owner of a much improved blackberry.  My old one was ancient, cracked, and looked like it had barely survived my 1 year old.  And now I don't have to spend my Monday reading the i-phone user manual.  Instead, my Blackberry just "knew" all of my information from my prior phone.  And because it understands that touch screens drive me crazy, it offers me the cute little slide-out keyboard whenever I need it.  I think I'm officially a Blackberry addict.

My Blackberry is my one technological splurge.  I own a TV from a decade ago.  I still use CD players.  I only own an i-pod shuffle because it was free with a make-up purchase. My home computer works, but it doesn't have the fancy split screens or touch screens.  I've never used a web cam.  I have a camera from the stone age.  I read from books (the kind you can actually stick a bookmark in.)  And I still carry a Bible and a journal to church (as opposed to the "cool" people who carry their i-pads.)  Amazingly, my life still works. 

Sometimes using the old fashion rule is ok: Wait until the 3rd generation of a product before buying.  The kinks will be worked out and the price will be much better.  So while my friends and neighbors are gushing over generations 1 and 2, I'm proud to say "Yes, I still have that!"

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