Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Not Another Pioneer Novel

"Study to show yourself approved to God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15

My boys listen to songs at bedtime and naptime.  One of their CD's has a song called "Readers are Leaders."  It's actually a catchy tune, but the words are even better.  The song explains that leaders for the Lord have to read and learn and tend to their spiritual growth.  I have every intention of playing this song over and over again when they become school-age and decide that they don't want to do their homework.  Hey, it's never too early to be prepared.

Anyway, this song came to mind the other day as I was browsing the Christian book section at Books-a-Million on my date night.  (We're such nerds, because date night is rarely complete without a trip to the bookstore.) This particular store has a wonderful selection of Christian fiction and nonfiction books.  For some unexplainable reason, I have become addicted to reading nonfiction.  Thus, I was delighted to find a compilation of Charles Spurgeon's sermons on a topic that has interested me lately.  But on this rare occasion, I did not rule out the possibility of purchasing a fiction book--just for fun.

I have to be honest, but the fiction Christian section makes me groan.  Not all of us want to read about pioneer women out on the prairie.  These books make great Hallmark movies, but I'm really not interested in reading about a young woman falling for a farmer.  Maybe I'm not a romantic, but I just don't see how that plot is better than one of Spurgeon's sermons.  If I'm going to read a Christian fiction, I want some excitement and adventure.  I want a Joel Rosenberg, a Tim LeHaye, or an Oliver North novel.  Too bad I've already read them all!  I guess what I'm saying is that the Christian fiction market needs to expand a little.  Christian writers could have a huge impact on society if they could figure out how to write about something other than pioneer women or Victorian life.  Think about it: not everybody goes to the movies in search of a chick flick.  And not all of us go to the bookstore in search of Christian romance.

If you like the prairie tales, then the Christian fiction section is definitely for you.  It's just not for everybody. Some of us are eager to read something exciting and adrenaline pumping.  So if my dear readers have read any exciting books that they could recommend, please comment below.

And if you haven't read a nonfiction book lately, don't rule out the possibility.  Remember that readers are leaders.  And I don't think that leaders are reading novels all day.  The next time you get a chance, go to the bookstore and buy a book on a new topic.  Learn something and share it with the rest of us.  Be a leader.


  1. Knowing that you like Baldacci you should try "One Summer" nice feel good fiction written in his usual easy to read way.

  2. Thanks! I'll put it on my book list.

  3. DON'T bother reading Bodie Thoene's latest. And though it is about WW2 and not about the prairie it is rather shallow and limpid,not to mention weird! Too bad. Her first series was really good.
