Sunday, May 22, 2011

King of Contradictions

My husband is the king of contradictions.  Not because he contradicts himself, but because he catches other people when they contradict themselves.  For example, our homeowner's association sent out a pamphlet this spring with rules for our neighborhood. My husband is convinced that the HOA is not too bright, however, because on 3 different pages they discussed basketball goals.  Once, they said that basketball goals are prohibited.  Another time they said that basketball goals had to be approved.  And then in other place they talked about basketball goals having to be removed by a certain time.  Anyway, basketball goals are just one example of why he's convinced that our HOA is run by people of lesser intelligence.

My wonderful other half has recently informed me that my blog currently contradicts itself.  I have a recent post explaining why I won't buy ridiculously expensive shoes, and I have a blinkie on the side of my blog page with a high heel that says "Always wear expensive shoes.  People Notice."  Ok, this is kind of a contradiction.  But the blinkie is just on the page because I thought it was cute.  Please don't think that I'm telling you, my dear readers, to go purchase fine shoes.  Just enjoy the shoe as something cute--my blog was inspired by high heels after all!

I'm not sure if I should be embarrassed that I contradicted myself or impressed that my husband caught it. I guess we know that it was no accident that he became a lawyer.  He's the kind of lawyer who can always find the smoking gun.  Thank goodness I'll never have to be his opposing counsel! (The lawyer rules of ethics prohibit this.)

So dearest husband, if you read this, I hope you feel better that I am disclaiming my blinking shoe.  It is not intended to be my own personal advice.  It's just something fun to make every female reader smile.

And dear readers, if you ever catch me in a contradiction, feel free to let me know.  I never intended to mislead...

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