Thursday, May 12, 2011

The Perfect Graduation Gift

"My [sisters], if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring [her] back, remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of [her] way will save [her] from death and cover over a multitude of sins." James 5:19

I went graduation gift shopping yesterday.  It occurred to me that there are some college graduates in my life for whom I had not yet shopped.  But what do you get a college graduate?  You get them something that they need to help them in their new professional life. (I suppose if you're buying for me you're thinking I need a feather duster or sippy cups. I figured I'll make it easy for you--I don't need any gifts!)  Anyway, when I thought about what to buy the special graduate in my life, it occurred to me that there is a perfect gift out there.  A Bible is always a perfect gift. 

As I was wrapping up my study on the book of James today, I realized that the Bible I purchased really was the perfect gift for my friend.  I've invested lots of time and love in this person and want her to succeed both professionally and as a woman.  I want her to know that I'm praying for her in this new phase of her life and that I'm just as interested in her spiritual life as I am her love life.  Just because we're finishing school together doesn't mean that I can't give her the spiritual full court press.  And giving her a Bible is like planning her offensive plan.  Now, as the believing friend, I have to help her learn the entire play book.  I can't personally "save" her, but I can do everything in my power to bring her back to the truth.  So I bought her a lovely Bible.  It's her play book for life. 

If you know a graduate who needs to know the truth, a Bible should be at the top of your list too.  They may not read it today.  But when the first or second painful year of work kicks in, they will have the play book at their fingertips.  And if your graduate doesn't need a Bible, the gift of prayer is pretty special too.  Wouldn't it be cool to venture into the workplace knowing that someone had your back by praying for you every day?

These are just some suggestions from a graduate.  Save your money and make an eternal investment in someone's life.  That is the perfect graduation gift.

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