Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Banning the Cardinal

At bedtime last night, I overheard my husband and son having a very serious conversation.  My husband then called me into my son's room and said that we needed to have a family discussion.  Apparently we had a big problem.

When I walked into my son's room, my husband was holding up a rally monkey--a Cardinal's rally monkey.  THE rally monkey that my husband bought for my son when he was a little baby.  He bought it the same weekend he came home from a Moot Court Tournament in St. Louis with a full baby Pujols' uniform.  This rally monkey is one of the few rally monkeys to have survived our great flood.  Thus, my son sleeps with him every night.

My husband informed me that the monkey (a.k.a. Stan) would no longer be sleeping in our son's bed.  Daddy officially banned him to the closet until the end of the World Series.

Apparently my son understands guy language.  He was completely cool with not sleeping with his buddy.  It's like he understood that a true Texas Ranger's fan could never be disloyal.  We might ruin their team mojo.  He might only be 3, but my son definitely thinks like a baseball player.  And my husband is a creating a superstitious baseball fan!

I suppose this means that I can't where my Ankiel Cardinal's shirt.  And I can't dress my boys in their Cardinals t-shirts either.  Hey, I grew up in the midwest.  We actually LIKE the Cardinals when they're not playing our hometown Rangers.  Can you blame us--who doesn't love Pujols?

Anyway, this world series has created changes in our household.  We're having our own kind of civil war.  Nothing Cardinals can be enjoyed, worn, or slept with until AFTER the Rangers win the series.  Who knows, when the Rangers win, maybe we'll even buy a Cardinal rally squirrel as a novelty reminder of the 2011 World Series.  Until then, Stan the monkey gets to enjoy the closet.

Oh the life of a baseball fan.

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