Saturday, October 29, 2011

Keeping Up With These Joneses

The idea of having a nice family picture is great.  But actually getting the "family" to cooperate is a completely different story.   My parents traveled back to Indy this month and wanted to bring some current pics to show the family.  We wanted people to be able to stay up-to-date with our family. These pics tell a little bit about the current state of the Joneses...

For starters, can you see which one of these things is not like the other?

I know that my son is only 3 and I still get to the call the shots on what he's going to wear, but when your little man insists on wearing his baseball fan gear it's hard to argue with that. Of course, I probably should have banned the flip flops.

Then when we attempted another pose, "the other thing" didn't want to cooperate.  This is life with a toddler.

The entire photo shoot was a bust.  Thankfully, we still had a picture from the balloon festival earlier this fall.  This was the hot air balloon festival that didn't have any hot air balloons...

Here my family is laughing about the money that we just paid to sit on a hill full of people and take pictures.

Oh well.  We still don't have any pictures that are Christmas card worthy, but this is my family.  This is what life is like with little boys.  We like to have fun.  We love to play ball.  But we're not good with pictures.  These are my Joneses.

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