Friday, January 20, 2012

Grandma's Blog Post (Guest Blogger)

Please enjoy my first guest blog post, courtesy of my mother.  When I went to pick up my boys from my mom's house this afternoon she had written out the details of her afternoon for me.  All I can say is that I hope you laugh as much as I did.  Her post proves once again, that doing a Mommy's job is really hard work. 

Grandma is Not Super Mommy

Maybe my hour from 2 to 3 today can bring you some humor.  I had little visitors this afternoon.  I had everything all planned out to have them both “resting” by 3 so I could sit in on a conference call.  Everything was perfect from 1:30 to 2:00, then…

We started to make chocolate chip cookies. That in itself is a challenge with a 3 yr old and a 1 yr old.  I get to the eggs and I have none.  So now I am trying to explain that we cannot fix the cookies because I have no eggs.  That does not compute.  So I make mac ‘n cheese.  

In the meantime their puppy – who mommy sent to visit with the boys - comes in the house and starts drinking too much water.  It suddenly dawns on me what is going to happen if I don’t stop that dog.  I go over to pick up the bowl…too late, the dog is barfing it all over the place.  I go to clean it up, and the dog gets nervous and pees, now I have 2 messes and trying to keep the boys out of both.  I grab the dog to put him outside and he pees again on my shoe!! I am cleaning up the barf and turn around to see the 1 yr old with the paper towel covering the pee, he has it up to his mouth!!! I get both cleaned up, sit the 3 yr old down with his mac ‘n cheese (I am now down to 10 minutes before the conference call) and look outside – no dog!  

I run outside and frantically search for this puppy calling his name. Fortunately and by God’s grace the dog hears me and tries to come back under the fence.   I go out the gate to get him and bring him to the back yard where my dog is surprisingly waiting – someone had let my dog out! We all go back into the house to find mac ‘n cheese all over the floor and in one of my tennis shoes – now 2 pairs ruined, one with mac ‘n cheese the other with dog pee.   The pup starts eating the mac ‘n cheese; I yelled at the dog  because I don’t want want him getting sick again.  The 1 year old just stands there saying over and over “uh-oh” the 3 year old tells me that we shouldn’t use our outside voice in the house!  Oh my gosh!!!

I did manage to get the baby down for a nap and the toddler watching Thomas all before 3:00!

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