Monday, January 16, 2012

My Superman

Yesterday when I got out of bed I was physically ill and mentally spent.  Somehow, I've been bitten by the January bug--the one that gives you a cold and makes you go slightly insane at the same time because you're overwhelmed by what you've gotten yourself into.  So after sleeping and then sleeping some more, I sat in front of my computer with a box of Kleenexes hoping that I could get some studying done.  That's when I started to cry.

I don't know why the impending Bar exam is getting to me.  This is not my first rodeo when it comes taking licensing exams.  In fact 7 years ago, I banked on the fact that statistically I was going to pass my nursing boards so much so that I barely studied.  And even though I essentially winged my nursing boards, I still passed.  Statistically, I think I have a higher chance of passing the Bar exam than I did my nursing boards, but for some reason I can't seem to let myself rely on the statistics this time.

Why?  Well, let's see...

I spent four years in law school and during that time never studied at least 7 or 8 of the subjects I'm going to be tested on (there's approximately 19 or 20 subjects on this exam).  So when I read questions out of my review book like "What is the rule in Texas?" I'll admit that my heart skips a few beats.  A week ago I would have answered that question by stating that the rule is "don't mess with Texas."  But since then, I've learned that apparently the rule is a real rule and if invoked by a lawyer means witnesses for a trial don't get to sit in and listen to the trial before they give their testimony.  I mean, this isn't exactly an intuitive answer.  Thus, I'm realizing that I'm going to have to spend the next month memorizing rules and definitions that I've never heard of before. 

I think the anxiety is made worse by the fact that my Bar review course couldn't just send me 1 review book for this exam.  Instead, they've given me 10 different books, online practice problems, and a 3-9 hour video lecture for each Bar topic.  For a type A personality like myself, having too many study options drives me crazy.  I can't possibly get through all of them, and nobody really expects me to.  But just having these books sit on my desk untouched kind of creeps me out.  I feel like I'm not doing enough.

Thankfully, my Superman (aka Dear Husband) came through and saved me yesterday.  He sat down with me and talked me through my schedule.  He assured me that when he took and easily passed the Bar exam, he didn't do all of the reading and practice problems.  He then created a special study schedule for me, and he promised to do more housework!  He then followed through on this promise by grilling an excellent dinner and by changing the litter box. 

I must say, that I'm a lucky girl, because my husband is wonderful.  Not only has he been very understanding about my blank stares and looks of panic, but he's also been a huge encouragement.  He's been helping me coordinate our family dinners.  He's allowed me to get some extra sleep lately.  And he even went so far as to book our family a post Bar exam celebration trip to Hawaii!  He's pretty great.  Thank you Dear Husband for being my Superman.  I'm so glad that I don't have to do this without you!

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