Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I Have a Word...

Sometimes other people have great ideas.  And sometimes I like to adopt their ideas and use them for myself.  I'm very excited to adopt an idea from another mom blogger at http://www.yourhomebasedmom.com/ who chooses a Word of the Year every January.  She chooses a word to dwell on and live out all year long.  For example, the word "joyful" gives you the chance to practice joy all  year.  Such a great idea, right?  I think I need a word this year.

Well, as my 3 year old announces every time he has something important to say, "I have a word."  2012 is going to be about the word:

I feel like the last few years, I've been working really hard to achieve my own, personal goals.  And although I'm "almost there," I've realized that I wouldn't be anywhere without my family.  Thank goodness these people are still with me and still love me after all of my crazy endeavors.  More importantly, they believe in me and are proud of me regardless of what I accomplish.  This year, I want them to know that they are all very special to me.

I want my little family to know that they are my priority this year--not the Bar exam, not work, not all my spontaneous ambitious pursuits--but them!

Sadly, a year ago, I was afraid that being home with my little family full-time would cause me to lose myself.  What would become of the professional that I had worked so hard to be? 

Thankfully, I think I discovered a completely new woman!  I've learned that I'm much more than a boring book nerd who knows how to work a 12 hour hospital shift.  I'm also a great railroad track builder, a decent baker, a good explorer, and a great fantasy football predictor!  Being at home with my family has made me a better person.  I can't wait to see what it will do to me in 2012!


This year, I'm going to focus on teaching my little boys everything that they could be learning in preschool.  Only, I'm going to be much more entertaining!  And I will give them lots of hugs!

This year, I'm going to try to cook for my husband for an entire week without going out-to-eat!  (I mean, at least I have 52 chances to get this one right.)  I'll even make him lunch when he comes home every day that week.

This year, I plan to become a part of a new church family.  I'm still not sure where or when, but I know that there's a body of believers out there somewhere waiting to welcome our gang with open arms.

This year, I plan to communicate better with my family members who are spread out across the country.  I'm even going to try to locate all of their addresses so that I can send them cards at Christmas.

This year, I'm going to try to create some amazing memories for my family as we vacation together, visit new places, and try new things.

2012 isn't going to be about me.  It's going to be about me doing things for the important people in my life.  It's about connecting with those who matter to me.  It's about meeting needs for those who have met my needs.  2012 is a year to celebrate those that I love!

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