Friday, April 15, 2011

Thanks Mom and Dad

I have to confess that the 30 day Media Reduction Challenge has been much harder than I expected.  I didn't realize that I am addicted to talk radio.  Of course, it's not hard to become an addict when you've spent the last 10 years of your life as a commuter.  I easily spend 3 hours a day in my car just going to school!  And after about 30 minutes the drum beat and bass rhythms give me a headache.  So, I prefer to listen to human chatter--I know, you'd think it'd give me a migraine.

Since I'm trying to put-off the worldly chatter with my 30 day challenge, I've been "putting on" spiritual wisdom by listening to sermons.  The other night I heard Dr. Robert Jeffress talking about Servanthood based on Philippians 2.  His point was that Jesus came to be a servant.  Despite being God, He did not seek to be elevated to God's level, but was willing to bear our sins--something that was beneath Him.  And as Christians we're called to be servants.  We're called to actually make a real sacrifice.  For examples, Dr. Jeffress said husbands should sacrifice their down time at home to listen to their wives (apparently this is a huge sacrifice) and wives should be good to their husbands and not critical.  Likewise, parents should realize that children are their perogative at this point in their lives and should be willing to sacrifice their future retirement funds if it means protecting and adequately guarding the hearts and minds of their children by using these funds for a Christian education.  (This was the best argument I've ever heard for sending a child to a Christian school.)

This made me realize that my parents did exactly what Dr. Jeffress said parents should do.  I know for a fact that they gave up a lot of luxuries and worldly benefits so that I could go to Christian schools.  They wanted to protect me from the world--and they succeeded.  I never did anything remotely dangerous, illegal, or stupid in high school, and I've made very calculated decisions as an adult.  And because of what my parents were willing to do for me, I am where I am today.  I can only pray that I will have this impact on my own children someday.

Thanks Mom and Dad for your sacrifice.  Now that I'm a parent, I'm starting to understand what you gave up.  Thanks for your example of servanthood.  Even if you don't enjoy your retirement at the country club, I know that God will honor your sacrifice someday.  I love you guys!

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