Monday, November 28, 2011

Football Pick 'Em Week 12: Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures

I watched him do it!  He pulled up my picks this week and decided to intentionally change his picks so that they would be different from mine.  He knows that he's running out of time to make up for all of the lost points.  So either my husband was being really brilliant by this bold move or he was just asking to get spanked by his almost-cheating maneuver.  Only one of us had a chance to benefit from his desperation. 

Thanks goodness it was me.  I have now expanded my lead by 8 points.  Mainly, because I am the beneficiary of changed picks that would have only been useful if teams like Auburn and Notre Dame could have pulled off upsets.  I also benefited from my husband's irrational loyalty to picking the Colts.  I'm pretty sure if he had taken my advice and NOT picked Indy to win and Green Bay to lose, he could have saved himself a few points.  (He obviously didn't think I knew what I was blogging about a few weeks ago.  After all, I am just a girl who really doesn't care about football.)

I almost felt sorry for the guy yesterday when I saw his fantasy football quarterback get pounded.  Looks like Leinart won't be helping much for the rest of the season.  I'm pretty sure my husband's taken enough beating in his pick 'em game against me.  I really hope he can still pull out his win in our church fantasy football league.  I think I've put him through enough suffering this season. 

And for the record, my newest fascination, Tim Tebow, pulled off another win yesterday.  (Applause please!)  It might have been in overtime, but it's still a win.  Can't wait to see if he can scrap together another win next week. 

I guess playing the Pick 'Em games has been good for me this year.  It's not getting me to watch much more football than in previous years (sorry Dear Husband), but it is giving me an idea about how much time can be wasted in the fantasy world of sports.  And I suppose, I've learned a few "picking" skills that my husband could benefit from in the future. 

In the mean time, don't lose heart Dear Husband!  The Cubs and the Colts feel your pain.  As they're learning up in that part of the country, there's always next year.

1 comment:

  1. Don't feel sorry for the Colts, we're playing for draft picks!
