Monday, November 7, 2011

NFL Pick 'Em Week 9: Winner Winner Buy Me Dinner

Ok, I know in Vegas it's not really "winner winner buy me dinner," but I'm feeling that my husband is going to owe me a really romantic dinner and a new designer handbag at the end of football season.  Yep, sounds about right.  Win or lose, I'm definitely earning it (although winning has been much easier than I expected.)

Ultimately, I'm earning the dinner not just because I'm winning, but because I'm still watching football.  It's so incredibly boring.  I feel like I'm watching the same thing every week.  Yesterday afternoon I sat on the couch watching pro football for all of 2 hour and I honestly don't remember much about it.  Football just doesn't do much for me.

That said, I had a decent weekend as the "winner."  I gained 2 points in my college picks and 2 points in my NFL picks.  I have some recollection as to how I won my college picks, but I don't have much of a clue about how I won my pro picks.  And it really doesn't matter, as long as I win.

Maybe the time change is getting to me and making me tired.  Or maybe I'm finally realizing that football is a barbaric sport.  But I realized this weekend that I'm going to have to keep my eye on my beautiful leather prize in order to survive the rest of the season.  And who knows, if I keep picking the games right, maybe my husband will even take me to Vegas for dinner!  Although I'd be fine just going to Ruth Chris.

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