Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Perfect Thanksgiving Decor

Not long ago, I shared with you, my dear readers, that my idea of interior decorating involved seeing pictures that I could copy.  For some reason, my creative side needs a little inspiration when it comes to the art department.  One might think that the changing color of the leaves and the rustic beauty of fall would really impact my ability to imagine interior design.  But let's be real here, Texas leaves don't turn pretty colors.  And when "cold" in Texas means it's not 80 degrees, it's really hard to feel like I'm in the holiday spirit.

Since I'm hosting the family Thanksgiving dinner this year, I decided to seek some inspiration from the internet.  I was really curious.  What is a Thanksgiving dinner supposed to look like?  If it involves cornucopias and Indian corn, I'm definitely going with a Christmas decor. (For some reason, my spirit needs NO inspiration at Christmastime.  I think I was made to celebrate Christmas all year long.)

Fortunately, the world wide web did not disappoint on the Thanksgiving front.  In fact, I'm kind of wishing I had a real dining room so that I could actually set the scene for my dinner this year.  Maybe someday I can move into a cool old house with a dining room that has character so that I can share my incredible pictures with you too.  This year, however, I'm just focusing on cooking an edible turkey.

Anyway, if you're wondering what my idea of the perfect Thanksgiving looks like, here you go:








Ok, well maybe I liked the last picture because it's shiny and I like a lot of bling.  (Probably another reason I love Christmas decor.)  Regardless, Thanksgiving should be a warm and inviting holiday for every family, even at the most simple tables.  The idea that our entire nation is sitting down giving thanks to God for the great things that He has done makes every dining room a precious place this year.  

 Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!  And let's hope my turkey turns out as good as these rooms look!!!

1 comment:

  1. And your table looked every bit as beautiful as the ones posted! I only wish I had not forgotten my camera!! Thanksgiving dinner was fabulous and your decor belonged amongst the pictures you posted. I was so very proud of you! Love you!
