Friday, November 18, 2011

Loose Lips

"A perverse person stirs up conflict, and a gossip separates close friends. " Proverbs 16:28

I heard a rumor about myself today that was so absurd it almost made me laugh.  I'm not sure how the rumor got started, but someone apparently has a very negative opinion of me.  And I really don't think that the someone who instigated the rumor knows me as well as they think they do.  Let's just say that this person is from my past, like a decade ago in high school. 

Part of me wants to tell you the rumor that was said about me (and my husband) and to clarify the facts for you.  But if the facts really mattered, people wouldn't be saying bad things about me.  So I'm not going to waste your time.  Let's just say that the rumor painted a nasty picture of my husband and me as parents and as lawyers (even though I'm not actually a lawyer yet).  None of of the rumor was true, and the people who know us would immediately know that the rumor was untrue.  So, what was actually said doesn't really matter.

Regardless, hearing what others have said about me does make me think.  What have I been saying about other people?  Is it possible that I've said something negative about someone else that got twisted and contorted until it turned into something ridiculous and foolish?  I hope not.  As Proverbs says, I don't want to be perverse or a separator of friends. Instead I want my words to be "only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." (Ephesians 4:29).

So the next time you hear a juicy secret about someone, don't repeat it.  Don't believe it unless you know it's true.  And whatever you do, don't add to the story and make it worse than it was before. 

1 comment:

  1. Good Girl! And for the record, I didn't believe it for a second! :)
