Monday, September 26, 2011

NFL Week 3: He Chose Poorly

Maybe guys are on to something.  There is something kind of exhilarating about beating the pants off your opponent every weekend by just "picking" the right football teams and players.  Yes, I said beating the pants off my opponent.  I've gone from daydreaming about winning a designer handbag to actually shopping online to figure out which would look better on my arm--Burberry or Louis Vuitton?

I know it's still early, but I gained a  10 point lead in my college football picks and a 3 point lead in my NFL picks.  And yes, I picked Buffalo to win AGAIN!  Maybe I'm crazy, but I'm starting to enjoy Sunday afternoons.  (Although I did not get much face time with my TV due to another pending matter.) 

For the record, I am picking the teams on my own with no help.  Week 1 I did get help, but I've discovered that using my own instinctive methods is actually better.  I mean, there's a 50/50 chance that my instinct is right.  And you know what they say about female intuition being a real phenomenon.  I'm pretty sure my husband is a believer in that phenomenon now.

So here's the deal, you don't have to know much about football to enjoy it.  You don't even have to really like football to enjoy it.  In fact, you don't even have to watch football to enjoy it.  All you have to do to be a winner every week is to choose well.  And this week, HE chose poorly...  (Come on, isn't it fun to use guy movie quotes too?)

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