Thursday, September 1, 2011

Some Things are Just Meant to Be

Once upon a time, there was a girl and a boy.  They went to school together, went to church together, sang in the same band together, had mutual friends, and they really drove each other crazy.  Sometimes they were nice to each other.  Sometimes they got into trouble together.  And sometimes, they were flat out mean to each other.  By their senior year of high school they had practically declared war on one another.  But when all of their friends went off to college and the two of them were left at home, they learned to coexist.  And then when the boy married one of the little girl's best friends, civility was finally restored. For now...

So now the little girl and the little boy are all grown up and have children of their own.  The little girl has a son, and the little boy has a daughter.  Yesterday, their children enjoyed a nice playdate together.  The mommies had fun chatting together.  The brothers played and took naps.  But the new generation's little boy and little girl antagonized each other all day. 

For the life of me, I could not figure out what happened to my son yesterday.  He's always such a push-over with other kids.  He loves to play and have fun.  But for some reason, he was not himself yesterday.  I don't know if he was being the aggressor or just putting on a front for self-defense, but he was a different child yesterday.  I was really worried about it last night.  Until my husband explained it all to me.

My son was acting like me.  It's like he and this little girl were meant to have a non-sibling rivalry.  My husband thinks it's hilarious.  He says that maybe it's just the way it was meant to be.  Who knows?  Maybe he's right.  Maybe the saying is true that the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.  I guess sometimes history does repeat itself. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm not excusing my son's behavior (he had consequences.)  But yesterday was a good reminder to me that my son is a lot like his mother. 

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