Sunday, September 25, 2011

Upgrades and Migraines

I hate upgrades.  Mandatory upgrades are even worse.  I totally get that we need to find ways to do things more efficiently, but sometimes it's such a hassle.  Isn't the "old school" way really better sometimes?  Or am I just lazy?  Or am I a technophobe?

My law firm is upgrading their computer system and network, so I'm getting a mandatory upgrade at work.  This also means that I have to upgrade my own computer software and hardware at home.  This upgrade is so not about having the coolest technology in town.  Instead, it's about being able to work from home and actually make a living.  And now, I'm going to have to forge through the icky process of learning all the new gadgets and tools at my fingertips.  Some people would probably get giddy about this process, but I'm not.  In fact, I remember sitting at my brand new laptop a few years ago in tears because I just didn't understand Microsoft Office 2007.  (True story and pathetic at the same time.)

While I'm making techie changes in my workspace, I've also made some changes to my cyberspace, aka, my blog.  It started out as an accident.  I just wanted to see what another background would look like.  And then I went through multiple backgrounds and font changes.  And now I have this new fall look.  Since my wardrobe gets a new look each season, it's only appropriate that my blog does as well.  I kind of like the vintage high heels that were posted earlier this week, but let's just say I realized some flaws with the layout when I was experimenting with my new technology.  So, here you go.  Cute and sweet for fall.

I guess change is good sometimes. Sometimes "newer" is better, even if it means that I'm going to get a migraine figuring out how to use the new tools.  I've got to stop acting like an old person.  (You know, those people who just can't let go of Word Perfect.)  When I saw the picture above, I realized that if I keep resisting new technology this could be me someday.  So, I'm making a few upgrades in my life--even if that means learning Microsoft Office 2010.

Don't worry.  I've already checked to make sure I have ibuprofen in my cabinet.  I have a feeling I'm going to need it this week.

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