Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Are you Politically Informed?

 I'm curious to know how much women know about politics and current events.  Every lady's magazine has a quiz to help you self-evaluate.  So I wrote this quiz to help you test your knowledge of politics.  (The answers are at the bottom of the blog post.)

1. When you filled up your car this week, you noticed that the price of a gallon of gasoline has finally surpassed the price of your Starbucks latte'.  Who is to blame for the increased gas price?
    a) NAFTA
    b) Enron
    c) Conflict in the middle east
    d) OPEC

2.  The First Lady, Michelle Obama, is trying to fight childhood obesity.  As a part of this effort she has done which of the following:
    a) Created a line of work-out videos
    b) Hired a tofu chef to help her write a cook book
    c) Became an apiarist (beekeeper) and started raising bees at the White House
    d) Decided she will no longer eat meat.  She wants to lead by example.

3.  True or False--The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) says that marriage is between one man and one woman.

4. This person is not a United States Supreme Court Justice:
    a) Samuel Alito
    b) Harriet Meirs
    c) Anthony Kennedy
    d) Sonia Sotomayor

Bonus: What is the best state for shopping? (Hint: They don't have sales tax)
    a) Nevada
    b) Delaware
    c) Hawaii
    d) Tennessee

If you had trouble answering any of these questions, it's time to start thinking about politics, current events and government.  Log on to, watch shows like The O'Reilly Factor, go to Barnes and Noble and pick up a book by a sitting Supreme Court Justice (Justices Thomas and Scalia are my favorite), start talking politics with your husband/boyfriend, or start listening to Talk Radio.

As women, our opinion matters.  As mothers, we need to teach our children the truth about law and politics so that they don't learn it at public school.  And as wives, I think our husbands find it rather attractive to have a wife who knows why the price of gas went up! 

This quiz is your reminder to learn something new today.

Answers: 1) d; 2) c; 3) True; 4) b; Bonus--Delaware! 


  1. My scores reflect me as being a politically informed failure! How embarrassing! Thank you for the push to be a little more informed.

  2. F for me too! I thought I was informed but now I know I am not as informed as I thought.
