Friday, March 25, 2011

What are you saying?

"My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires." James 1:19-20

My little boy's new phrase this week has been "what are you saying?"  He asks me that almost every time I say something to him and it drives me nuts!  I keep telling him that I know he hears me, but if he doesn't understand, he needs to say "I don't understand Mommy."  It just sounds so much nicer.

As annoying as it is when my little boy conveniently doesn't hear me, I know I've done this to God.  I specifically remember a day in December when I was really contemplating a decision that I needed to make.  I prayed that God would hit me over the head with an answer.  Minutes later, He literally did when I turned on the radio (to a station I rarely listen to) and heard a sermon answering my question.  But I disregarded that sermon as being old fashioned.  The next day, He spoke through my mother. And witnesses will tell you that I became very angry at her for a few days.  I spent a week in tears too.  Thankfully, God kept talking until I finally listened.  If only my heart had just been listening sooner.

Usually, when I read this verse, I focus on the "be slow to anger" part, but today, the "be quick to listen" part reminded me that I need to listen more.  I think we would all become better people if we truly listened to other people.  And I know that we can have the righteous life that God promises if we listen to God.  I'm just praying that the next time God speaks, my heart is ready to listen.

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