Thursday, March 17, 2011

I'm a Domestic Relations Manager

Let's be honest. When a woman tells you she's a stay-at-home mom or a homemaker you don't have a clue what she's like.  If she told you that she was a doctor you could surmise that she was smart, dedicated, and an over-achiever.  If she told you she was a teacher you'd know she was good with kids, compassionate, and could probably tutor your child.  If she told you she was a lawyer you'd probably figure that she argues well, is rarely intimidated, and could draft you a will or sue your neighbor for you.  But what is a stay-at-home mom?

I don't think anybody respects the title homemaker or stay-at-home mom anymore.  And I don't think those titles really do justice to the women who have them.  I mean, I'm technically a stay-at-home mom, but I don't stay home all day.  I spend time running around town with my kids, helping out at church, having coffee meetings with girlfriends and I go to law school too.  And I would never call myself a homemaker either.  Just because I clean the house I live in, and I cook and do laundry for the people who live there, doesn't mean that I make the home.  It's the people who make the home. And what's a housewife?  As opposed to a non-housewife?  If you watch The Real Housewives series on Bravo you'll realize that the term housewife means absolutely nothing!

It's time for stay-at-home moms to adopt titles for themselves that accurately describe what they do!  If the hospital janitor can call himself a sanitation engineer and the nursing assistant can call herself the patient advocate specialist, then maybe it's time for moms to rethink their titles. Just because society can't think of descriptive ways to communicate the value of a wife doesn't mean we have to accept the stay-at-home mom title and stereotype.

The next time someone asks what I do for a living I was thinking about telling them that I'm a Domestic Relations Manager.  Or maybe a Household Economist.  Or maybe a Freelance Family Specialist.  Any other suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. I love this! I have always cringed at the word homemaker. I picture someone with her very long hair in a bun, no makeup, a sloppy dress, sewing & knitting all day. Although I would love to learn how to do both, it's not at all the life I want to lead. No one really knows how much work goes into being a domestic relations manager except other DRM's :-)
